First Show of 2019: Las Vegas Market

What better way to kick off the new year than to introduce new, cutting-edge products to the market? Earlier this year, the Lovinflame team headed over to the Las Vegas Market, a cross-category showcase that features furniture, home décor, and gifts. Being in a city so bold and flashy, our vibrant Lovinflame fire was sure to fit right in.

With the show starting on January 27th, the Lovinflame team started setting up the booth the day prior. Unpacking bubble wrap after bubble wrap, the team proceeded to decorate the booth with some exciting samples and prototypes for show this year. From our frosted glass candles to the colored lotus candles, the standing pedestal glass set, and the patio fire table, we had quite a variety to offer.

After setting up the booth and placing the candles and fireplaces in the best light possible, the team was ready to ignite the show the next day. First day is always the busiest! Crowds would walk past, catch a glance at our fire, then stop momentarily in awe. People were excited to learn more about our water-soluble, ethanol-free Lovinflame Fuel, a safer alternative to ethanol. They were even more entranced when we demonstrated our fuel comparison video and poured some of our Lovinflame Fuel directly on the fire – no flare-ups! (For demo purposes only — don’t try this at home!)

Other than the safety aspects of our products, attendees were also delighted by our prototype designs as well. Many loved the frosted glass and ceramic candles, wanting to order in bulk for their special occasions and events. Our patio fire table was also popular, and will be in stock in a couple of months — here’s a first sneak peek of it on our website:

Though some of these favored prototype designs won’t be in stores quite yet, you can still get your hands on our other popular items. The tabletop fire pits were well sought after as usual, with many expressing how it would be the perfect decor for the patio on a cool breezy night.

Our candles, fire pits, and fireplaces easily complement your home or special occasions, amplifying the warmth and enhancing the ambience for any evening. Read on about how you can partner with us or where to shop so you can take your business or home living to the next level.

Overall, it was a great show here at Las Vegas. We were pleased to hear visitors’ thoughts on our products and see their eagerness to learn more about what fuels Lovinflame.

Did you get a chance to stop by Las Vegas this time? If not, catch us in Dallas, Texas, at the HPBExpo March 14-16.  We’ll also be continuing our global trek, starting with Korea Build on February 20-24, the International Furniture Fair Singapore (IFFS) at Nook Asia March 9-12, and the Fireplaces Salon in Russia March 21-24. Stop by and witness the safety and splendor of our flames in person!